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Scholarship Information



Scholarships are awarded from each of these funds at the Annual SHS Scholarship Assembly in May. Students can apply by contacting the SHS Counselor's office. To donate to one of these scholarships, send a check to:


**Denotes these scholarships are open to ALL students.

GOV AKER – Gov Aker, an avid golfer, organized the first fundraising golf tournament for the SHS Foundation. Upon his death, the SHS Scholarship Foundation started the Annual Gov Aker Golf Tournament. A $1000 scholarship is awarded to one female and one male athlete who has strong academic backgrounds. The remainder of the Gov Aker Scholarships are open to all students.

COACH NORMA BELLAMY – Safford High School's most successful athletic program has been volleyball. Under Coach Norma Bellamy, the Bulldogs won 21 state volleyball championships, a national record. The last of these came in 1990. Bellamy had a record of 520-33, a national record for win percentage for coaches with over 500 wins (.940). She was named Arizona Coach of the (20th) Century in volleyball.

JOHN BONEFAS – John Bonefas spent 29 years at Safford High School as a teacher, coach, and administrator. John's wife Susan in conjunction with the SHS faculty started this scholarship upon his retirement in l996. The recipient of this scholarship demonstrates outstanding community service.

**SUSAN BONEFAS - A graduate of South Dakota State University with a B.S. in Nursing. She also graduated from the University of Arizona with a Master's in Heath Education. Susan worked as an R.N. in many areas of nursing in the Gila Valley, including EAC, SHS, and MGRMC.  

**CLASS OF 1970 - Funded through donations made by members and friends of the Class of 1970, this scholarship is open to all students. In May of 2012, one $500 scholarship was awarded.

CLASS OF 1972 – Members of the Class of 1972 who cared deeply for SHS funded this scholarship. The recipient of this scholarship demonstrates outstanding leadership. In May 2012, a $500 scholarship was awarded.

**CLASS of 1974 – Funded through donations of members and friends of the Class of 1974, this scholarship is open to all students.

WALTER CLIFFORD JR. - Funded by the Safford FFA and the Clifford Family, this scholarship recognizes the years of service Mr. Clifford provided baling hay for over 20 years as an FFA volunteer. As a community farmer, Mr. Clifford was dedicated to the FFA program. This scholarship is awarded to FFA students.

TOMMY CLONTS MEMORIAL - Tommy was a member of the Class of 2000 at SHS. He was interested in everything and achieved much in his short life; Eagle Scout, recipient of the Youth Tour of Washington DC, actor, athlete, lifelong learner, and champion of the underdog and those less fortunate.

**CAROL DAVIES-CLASS OF 1960 - Carol Davies, a 1960 graduate of SHS, dedicated countless hours to the Safford and State FFA programs. Her family financed this scholarship, which is open to all students.

BOB FAUNCE – Bob Faunce spent much of his teaching career at Safford High School as a math teacher, coach, administrator, and athletic director. He seldom missed a school activity or event in which the Bulldogs participated. The recipient of this scholarship demonstrates outstanding ability in mathematics.

FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS OF AMERICA-FBLA - Funded through the Safford FBLA Chapter and began in 2013. This scholarship is open to graduates who were active members of the Safford FBLA Chapter and displayed outstanding leadership qualities.

FFA ALUMNI- Funded by the Safford FFA Alumni organization, this scholarship is awarded to graduates from the Safford FFA program.

GRAHAM COUNTY TRANSITION – Monies for this scholarship is housed by the SHS Scholarship Foundation. This scholarship is open to students enrolled in the Special Education Program.

The following 4 scholarships recognize the Hagerman family. They were financed by Monica Hagerman.

THE EDWIN A HAGERMAN recognizes Monica's deceased father. This scholarship is for the study of Law and Criminal Justice. Mr. Hagerman was an attorney in Northern California.

THE MARGARET I HAGERMAN scholarship recognizes Monica's mother. The scholarship is for the study of nursing to recognize Monica's late mother, who was a registered nurse in Michigan and Northern California.

THE JEFFERY WELLIN HAGERMAN scholarship is given to a student for the study of digital media. This scholarship recognizes Monica's son, who is a director and teacher of media technology, as well as a cinematographer in New York City.

MONIKA HAGERMAN - The fourth Hagerman scholarship is given in the name of Monica Hagerman for the study of Education. This scholarship is sponsored by Monica, who served as a teacher in the Safford Unified School District for over 25 years. 

YVETTE RIDDLE GENGLER - Yvette was an SHS graduate from the Class of 1979. She has a keen interest in earth science. Yvette is the third member of her family to have a scholarship named after her. The Riddle Family feels it is important to assist SHS graduates to reduce their college expenses. 

BRENDA BONEFAS HAWKINS - Brenda was a graduate of SHS, Class of 1984 as well as a graduate of The University of Arizona. Twenty-six years of her life were dedicated to teaching in the Safford School District. Her passion for her students lasted long after the classroom. She was an active member of the SHS Scholarship Foundation, serving as secretary.

RALPH HAWTHORNE – A 1968 graduate from Safford High School, Ralph Hawthorne spent the last 12 years of his life as an SHS counselor. In honor of Mr. Hawthorne’s concern, dedication, and support of SHS students, this scholarship is awarded to a student desiring to attend a four-year university who demonstrates good work habits, respect for others, high standards, and integrity.

**ZEL HAWTHORNE - Zel Hawthorne served as a DECA teacher at Safford High School for 17 years, leading students to numerous Arizona and National awards. She served as a member of the SUSD School Board and as one of the original founders of the SHS Scholarship Foundation. This scholarship is open to all students.

DELBERT HOUSEHOLDER – As a lifelong valley resident, Mr. Householder committed to recognizing young people from the Gila Valley for their achievements. He served on the Graham County Board of Supervisors for several years, funding this scholarship by dedicating a percentage of his Supervisor’s salary. This scholarship is awarded to at least one student from each valley high school and the Graham County 4-H. Preference is given to those who have not received any other scholarship or financial assistance beyond their family’s resources.

**ELLIOTT JENSEN – Elliott Jensen gave his life for his country during World War II. Loren Burrell funded the majority of this scholarship in memory of his 1942 classmate. This scholarship is open to all students.

AGNES SMITH KNAPP – The children of Agnes Knapp Smith funded this scholarship in honor of their mother. Mrs. Knapp had grandchildren attend Safford Schools for 30 continuous years. The recipient of this scholarship has taken AP classes, weighted and EAC classes, and has been active in NHS with plans to attend a four-year university.

JAN KONOPNICKI – This scholarship has been funded by the Konopnicki family in honor of Jan Konopnicki, who had a love for education. Preference for this scholarship is given to students choosing a career in education.

VIRGINIA LATTA - This scholarship is funded by Ms. Virginia Latta. She served at Safford High School as principal for several years. This scholarship is open to current-year SHS graduates with a strong preference given to a student that is the first member of their family to attend college.

ADDIE M. LINDSEY FAMILY - In honor of Addie M. Lindsey, a lady who, for the majority of her 88 years, was a successful, contributing member of the Safford business community. Along with being an active member of the community, Addie was a lifelong member of Eastern Star and served as Worthy Grand Matron for the state of Arizona in 1945. She was a strong believer in the importance of education and women in business. This scholarship is given to a female who excelled academically, showed leadership, and plans to attend a four-year university to pursue business.

WILLIAM "RANDALL" LINDSEY FAMILY - In honor of William "Randall" Lindsey, a lifetime resident and businessman of Safford, Arizona. Randall attended Safford Schools, graduating from SHS with the class of 1951. During high school, Randall was an athlete playing in various sports, including football and track, where he set several records. He also served as a leader of his class and as Student Body President his senior year. Randall was active in his community, serving in several service clubs, and truly believed in helping others achieve their goals. This scholarship is given to a student who has shown leadership at SHS as well as service to the community.

**RANDA OWENS MCKINNEY - Randa is a 1972 SHS graduate and joined the SHS Scholarship Foundation in 1992. She is honored to serve as President since 1995 and enjoys the privilege of working with so many great people who are dedicated to the Foundation. Her scholarship was established in 2016. "Where the past and present create a great future for our Bulldogs."

JONATHAN MONZINGO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP - This scholarship is sponsored by Jonathon's parents, Judy and Garry Monzingo. This $500 scholarship is available to an SHS graduate that has or will soon enlist in any branch of the United States Military. Funds are designated for the enlistee to assist family members traveling for important military events the enlistee participates in. Financial need is considered in the selection. If the original applicant does not qualify, an alternate will be chosen. Preference is given to applicants that have already enlisted.

**BRAD MOON - This memorial scholarship was established by Brad's children to honor their father who was a long-time educator. He served as an assistant principal and was highly respected by staff, students, and parents. 

JUDY MOSER - This scholarship has been funded by the Moser Family in honor of Judy Moser, a wonderful teacher for Safford Schools. Her diligence and care had a positive impact on hundreds of students. Preference for this scholarship is given to students choosing a career in education.

LAFE NELSON - Funded by the grandchildren of Lafe Nelson. Mr. Nelson dedicated his life to education, spending most of his career in the SUSD system as superintendent. He cared deeply for his students and staff.

**HARVEY & LORETTA OLSEN – Native Nebraskans, Harvey & Loretta Olsen moved to Safford in 1950 and later opened a successful carpet business. The Olsens were loving and caring people and named several non-profits as recipients of their estate, including the SHS Scholarship Foundation. This scholarship is open to all students.

**H. D. OWENS FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP - H. D. HEAVY OWENS was a 1947 SHS graduate and a renowned Safford businessman for over 65 years. Heavy-valued education and family. His family started this scholarship to honor his loving care of family. One $500 scholarship will be given annually.

DAVID M PLAYER - David "Dave" Player was well known as the BAND MAN at Safford High School. He had a very positive impact on many students. Dave loved life and was respected by his peers and students. 

**LUISA GABALDON PERCY – Luisa Gabaldon Percy taught Spanish at SHS in the 1930s. Her family funded this scholarship in recognition of her commitment to education. This scholarship is open to all students.

FAYE W. PHILLIPS – Faye Phillips was a 1936 graduate of SHS who funded this scholarship based on her interest in academic achievement. Preference is given to students who are eligible for admission to a college or university with a G.P.A. of 3.0 or better and in need of financial assistance.

**MELVIN POWELL – Melvin Powell, an SHS and Gila Jr. College (EAC) alumnus, grew up in Safford attending grammar school in what is now the Safford City Hall. Mr. Powell served his country as part of the famed Bushmasters during WWII and later worked for the Forest Service and Postal Service. Ruth Powell School is named after his wife, a long-time educator for Safford Schools. This scholarship is open to all students.

RUTH POWELL - Ruth was born in Chicago in 1921 near the famous Wrigley Field.  After Receiving her Master's Degree from Northwestern University, she taught in Chicago for a few years before moving to Safford.  She taught first and third grade as well as many years in Special Education and Gifted. Ruth volunteered over 13,000 hours at Mt. Graham Hospital Auxiliary.  Ruth Powell School on 14th Avenue is named in her honor. 

ED & MONIKA RAGLAND SCHOLARSHIP - This scholarship was made possible through the generosity of Ed and Monika. Both of them served as teachers in the SUSD for many years. This scholarship is open to a student pursuing to further their education via trade or technical schools.

DR. ANITA L. RIDDLE - Anita Riddle is a 1980 graduate of SHS.  She was valedictorian, student body president, and a scholar athlete.  She obtained her doctoral degree from Lamar University.  During her career, she worked with ExxonMobil and retired in 2018. She now resides in Draper, Utah.  She has endowed a scholarship in her name.  The recipient of this scholarship is a female who has declared engineering as a major.

JOHN A. "JACK" RIDDLE - This scholarship is in memory of Jack Riddle who was the Mine Superintendent for the Phelps Dodge Safford Mine from 1975-1981. Mr. Riddle earned a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Arizona and worked as an engineer in the mining industry in Arizona, Mexico, and Chile. He and his wife, Silvia Iriarte Riddle, moved to Bisbee, Az for retirement. The recipient of this scholarship is a male student that has declared engineering as a major.

**RYDER RIDGWAY - Ryder Ridgway was a long-time Safford resident known for his knowledge of and writings about the history of the Gila Valley. His family funded this scholarship to recognize his many contributions to the valley. This scholarship is open to all students.

JULIE BONEFAS RODRIGUEZ - Julie is a proud 1986 graduate of SHS. She graduated as a tri-valedictorian and participated in volleyball, basketball, tennis and track, yearbook, National Honor Society, and student government. She obtained a B.S. in Accountancy and an M.Ed. in Secondary Education, both from Arizona State University. She is a Certified Public Accountant and is currently the Chief Financial Officer for Graham County. This scholarship is open to all SHS graduates pursuing a degree in business or education.

**SHS ALUMNI – Funded through donations from SHS Alumni of all classes, this scholarship is open to all students.

SHS SPANISH CLUB - This scholarship is given annually to worthy recipients that have been actively engaged in Spanish classes and the Spanish Club at SHS. It is recommended that recipients of this scholarship have been active Spanish Club members for FOUR years. 

**JOHN SINCLAIR SCHOLARSHIP - This scholarship recognizes Dr. John Sinclair. Dr. Sinclair is a former Safford Unified Schools Superintendent and served on the Foundation Board for many years, he traveled to meetings from Tempe after his retirement.

D. B. STAUFFER - Del Stauffer was an icon in the field of Agriculture Education. Over his many years at the helm of the Safford FFA program, Mr. Stauffer made a positive impact on hundreds of students. Funded by the Safford FFA and the Stauffer Family, the recipient of this scholarship is an active Safford FFA member.

**BONNIE WADDELL – This scholarship honors Bonnie Waddell, the mother of the SHS Foundation’s founding father, Dr. William Waddell. This scholarship is open to all students.

**WILLIAM & BARBARA WADDELL – This scholarship honors the original founders of the SHS Scholarship Foundation for their vision and contributions. This scholarship is open to all students.

WILLIAM WADDELL TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP - This scholarship was established by Dr. Waddell to assist teachers in purchasing needed capital equipment, furthering their education, etc.   

CLEO BELL WHITMORE – This scholarship was established in 2018 by friends and family of Cleo and focuses on a loving mother of four that carried that love of children to many children as she served as a foster parent for 22 years. She encouraged everyone to invest in people. Her goal was to encourage others to always strive to do their best without making excuses. The original founders of the SHS Scholarship Foundation for their vision and contributions. This scholarship is open to all students.

DONALD R. WILSON – Don Wilson came to Safford in 1945 as a teacher of science and mathematics. In 1948, he became principal, a position he held until 1962 when he was appointed superintendent until his retirement in 1980. He was active in numerous community organizations. This scholarship is open to all students.